• © Jérome Séron

  • © Jérome Séron

  • © Jérome Séron

our honourable blue sky and ever enduring sun... can only be consumed slice by slice...


The work of South African choreographer Robyn Orlin is always political, but never without humour, irony and inventiveness. Together with Albert Ibokwe Khoza, an impressive young gay performer from Soweto, they lure us into a one-man-show about the discrimination in contemporary South Africa. Definitely worth discovering!


« ... An ironical playful body, caught between sin, transformation, decay and brilliance, uses the 'seven deadly sins', on a journey through a 'requiem to humanity' with the third world still on stage and the first world paying to be part of the show ... Think of this piece as a 'requiem to humanity ', made by myself for a performer of the next generation of south africans ..... full of positive and inquiring notions ..... trying to live with the destruction we keep creating and continue to leave for the next generations ..... wondering if it is possible , as south africans, to colonise Mozart andat the same time using the everyday as a vehicle ...... » Robyn Orlin, June 2016


IN ENGLISH / 65 minutes