A copresentation from VIERNULVIER and CAMPO


Are you familiair with the five foundational f*cks? Festival WTF...! and art institution VIERNULVIER invite you to artistically explore them, like with the Belgian premiere of Գիշեր | gisher in CAMPO! 

Italian Armenian artist Giorgia Ohanesian Nardin's Գիշեր | gisher is a poetic, live-art work engaging questions of space and place, land and geography, identity and belonging and, perhaps most of all, burning. Part video installation, part fire-side storytelling, Գիշեր | gisher weaves the oral storytelling tradition(s) of the SWANA (South West Asia and North Africa) region through the mediums of video, poetry, performance and print publication. Forming a meditative mosaic of autobiography and world geopolitical histories. The violences we experience as individuals and how they catch fire  through the collective. 

Friday 25 November in CAMPO victoria. Visit the production page for more information. The entire programme of WTF...! can be found on the website of VIERNULVIER.