Kim Noble is a window
Kim Noble is a window. A window through which we catch the refection of people going places. Their expressions are sad or depressed, their attitude ossified, cringed, plunged in thought. All of them on their way to different destinations. But through anonymity and through the merging into the crowd they resemble each other strikingly. Through his editing, Kim Noble seems to give them all a common destination. Ghent, by example. No doubt that this will be a uneasily recognizable scene…
Kim Noble, the notorious British actor and performance artist, frequents the festival (im)Possible Futures with more than his performance You Are Not Alone; he will occupy a window in the city centre of Ghent, where you'll be able to witness his videos and other forms of expression. Noble’s wide interest in (some very strange) human relationships, results in images that are sometimes troubling, often humorous and always fascinating.